Man i love the Jocassee drainage!It has some of the biggest and best granite this side of Cali.I still haven't been on the toxaway so probably shouldn't even talk jocassee ,but there is also the horsepasture, which i have run quite a few times and it is good!After a recent trip with Nate Rozell and a solo trip on upper snowbird,I wanted to go big,for me at least.Horsepsture seemed perfect:big hike,big rapids, commiting gorge,and i knew the lines!Going into such committing place all alone had me questioning my sanity and my skill level,but i was determined to do a hard commiting run,soul-o.Upon checking the gauge I realized i had a perfect flow and it began to set in that i was about to run the shit with no one around.I decided pretty quickly that this was going to be a speed mission,i felt if i focused on going fast it might keep my nerves at bay.Now all geared up mentally and physically,i grab my boat and start down the trail.A quick walk turns into a fast walk and then into a jog/trot and i was at the base of rainbow in about 20 minutes.I didn't waste any time gettin in the boat and firing of into the first series of boulder rapids,called ugly stuff,and my lines were smooth and crisp, I was focused.After a short wood portage,i began bombing nonstop through slab falls,the boogie boof section,stairrstep falls and the next boulder section to the top of corner pocket,where i decided to walk.Mad bombing continued on and even though i felt a little conservative,i felt like i was killin it.Next was the most gorged out section of the run consisting of three huge rapids that you can portage but once you are in you have to go through,no hiking out.Once upon a high water day,Jonathon Absher and i met up with three other boys who all decided it was too high for this section and tried to hike out but after getting cliffed out several times they had to return to river level and go through the gorge.they didn't get out till midnight!The level of commitment had me 100% focused as i flew off the bottom of the first rapid,Thrasher pike ramp A. i chose to sneak ramp b on the left,which is really sketch,probably just as dangerous as running it,but the idea of getting worked in the hole made it feel sane to go over there.The last huge rapid is called highway to heaven, and it felt like heaven on the other side.The first part is a long low angle slide that twists and turns for at least 50 or 60 yrds and leads right into the bottom,a steep chute onto a slide that is pretty muched walled in with a big whirlpool eddy at the bottom.This thing is big anywhere but it paddles pretty easy.I then resumed bomb mode through the last 3 or 4 rapids to the hike out point.I sat down for a moment and soaked in the surroundings,happy to be there,and then started my charge to the car.When the hike is over the adventure is over.I checked the watch,2 hours 38 minutes car to car,2 hours and 38 minutes i will never forget.peace
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Solo mission part 1: upper snowbird
After a big rain in the south,almost everything was too high,and with wallace in Chile and stallings in class i needed a solo mission that was at a sane level.After finding the gate closed at the santeetlah,i decided my best bet was to hike in to the upper snowbird to find the 4 falls i have heard about up there.I arrived to find a stout brown flow,but i knew i would be hiking for a while, and it was already dropping ,so off i went.The hike was a gentle 3 miles or so with great scenery and good views of the water for scouting.When the trail got steeper and went away from the creek, i knew this must be the where the falls are.I had heard tell of a 25er and 2 or 3 slides from the web and talking to local boaters,but no for sure info,so here it is. The first slide was a low angle, ledgy affair that led into a 12foot sloping falls.Next was a small ledge right above the biggest rapid-a 25 foot slide thing with a cool boof at the top.After that it was class 3-4 boogie all the way to the car.It was alot like lower big creek in the smokies just not as good.If you are a class 4 boater looking for adventure it may be worth it,but if you are looking for the gnar,hope the gate at santeetlah is open and if not go somwhere else.As a solo mission, it was great for me and enjoyed the adventure aspect of the run,but i do wish that damn gate would have been open!peace.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Weekend with Nate part 2-Horsepasture River
Weekend with Nate part 1- Frogtown and Dicks

After a good rain the night before,Nate Rozell and I met up in Dahlonega to go get on Frogtown for his first run on the creek.Arriving at the river we found it to be pretty low but still runnin and
about this time a group of 4 more kayakers showed up making us a group of 6.Nate and the rest of the group stayed on my tail as i led them through the first section of slides to the boulder rapid with a nice double boof line,then the shallows caught up with us. It was pretty scappy low going but everyone was just thinkin the 40-50 foot falls that lay in waiting downstream.I knew Nate was going to style it but wasn't sure about the other guys since i didn't know them.After a quick scout, one of the guys started portaging, and while Nate and the other 3 watched, i hiked up to go first.Hiking up to your boat when you are gettin ready to run a big drop is a whirlwind of mixed emotions going on thinkin about what you are about to do.On this day i felt good.I peeled out and without taking a stroke i began to float through the lead in with my eyes focused on the lip.I rolled over the lip ruddering into a late tuck just before i hit the pool which felt pretty good.Nate quickly followed with a picture perfect line into a nice tuck for the landing.After 2 of the 4 other guys portaged,we waited for the other 2 go.After 2 swims,a broken paddle,a busted nose, and a lot of line discussions we rolled on out to the T.O. We ended the day with a bomb down dicks creek just to do it.Stay tuned for more.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Winter Wonderland double header part 2
I knew after a cold day of bouldering i needed some water action.With low flows everywhere wallace suggested Tellico thinking snow melt would bring it up.That's right,a snow melt run on the Tellico!Upon arrival i found a river covered in ice and snow,but with water too!It had rose from an ELF level of 1.4 to an acceptable 1.7 and the banks were so frozen over it was channelizing to make it feel more like 2 feet or so.The ice forced us to take some different lines which was cool and i learned that you can boof the shit out of a rock thats covered in ice!Cold,but fun as hell and beautiful,i'd do it again.Some great pics and write up at check it out.
Winter Wonderland double header
With highs in the 20's and road closures on alot of mountain roads,gettin after it was not lookin good for us this time.After several phone calls to Stallings, we decided to go float the boat,if it's not frozen!Laura and I rallied with Josh and Warren for a day of chilly bouldering at the urban playground for climbers known as boat rock.Warren was really on fire out there and was motivating all of us to throw down despite the conditions.My secret project aka" the real mccoy"is feellin more realistic every time i get on it,just gotta be patient!Enjoy the pics and don't let the cold keep you down,peace.
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